Frequently Asked Questions

The GRVT Docs are a living document that will be dynamically and continuously edited and updated as the GRVT product suite evolves.

1. When will the GRVT platform launch?

The platform is set to launch in 1H 2024, initially offering crypto perpetuals and options central limit order book trading as well as request for quote (RFQ) trading. Support for spot trading, structured products, and other features will be added subsequently. Prior to launch, early users can start contributing now to earn GRVT points for future airdrops.

2. Why should I use GRVT Hybrid Exchange?

GRVT is a self-custodial central exchange built on the hybrid model. GRVT aims to make crypto trading safe, secure and simple by bridging the gap between blockchain security and centralized exchange efficiency. The company’s hybrid exchange model distinguishes itself by separating exchange and custody functions, thereby granting users full custody over their assets and the efficiency of central-order matching, while eliminating counterparty risk. GRVT offers a highly efficient off-chain order-matching engine that processes 600k transactions per second under two milliseconds of latency. And settles off-chain transactions on-chain to offer self custodial trading.

3. What is a hybrid exchange (HEX)?

A hybrid crypto exchange (HEX) combines the compliance and efficiency of centralized exchanges with the self-custody features of decentralized exchanges. It empowers traders to control their assets while focusing on positive possibilities within crypto trading.

4. What types of products does GRVT offer?

GRVT offers a full suite of derivative products including perpetual contracts, options, and derivatives combo structures. Additionally, GRVT has plans to expand its product offerings in 2024 to include structured products and spot trading, providing users with a comprehensive range of trading opportunities across different asset classes.

5. What are some of the unique features of GRVT?

Self-Custody Trading

Unlike conventional exchanges, GRVT empowers users with full control over their crypto assets. User funds are secured by smart contracts, encoded on the blockchain and accessible only with their private key, a unique and secret code known only to them. So even when the exchange fails, their assets will remain secure and under their control.

Lightning-fast order book

Sophisticated traders can leverage GRVT’s central limit order book. Hosted on bare metal servers, it can achieve 600,000 trades per second with less than 2 milliseconds of latency — one of the best in the industry — ensuring users never miss a market opportunity.

On-chain Privacy

In a traditional DEX, all trading data, including sensitive details like margin balances and liquidations, is openly recorded on the blockchain. To maintain privacy and security, GRVT leverages zkSync’s Validium technology. The approach stores trading data off-chain and encrypts it before adding it to the blockchain, thus protecting users from malicious actions such as front-running and market manipulation.


We prioritize the safety and security of our users. To ensure a secure trading environment, we conduct comprehensive KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) checks on all our clients.

Gas-Less Trading

To enhance user experience, we eliminate gas fees. Users can input, cancel and execute orders gas-free.

Trading Modes & One-Click Trading

To cater to all levels, we offer two trading modes. Professional traders can utilize our ‘pro’ mode, white beginners or casual traders can opt for the ‘simple’ mode, which features innovative one-click trading, even for complex products like perpetuals and options.

Portfolio Margin & Cross Margin

GRVT offers Portfolio Margin, which includes Cross Margin. The Portfolio Margin model utilizes the SPAN (Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk) methodology to calculate margin requirements, providing traders with comprehensive and efficient margin management.

Automated Margin Rebalancing

Users with multiple sub-accounts can opt-in for automated margin rebalancing. Our smart contracts trustlessly facilitate fund transfers within the same account to maintain margin requirements.

Key Recovery Guardians

For users unfamiliar with managing their private keys, GRVT implements a key recovery guardian system. Users can appoint guardians to help recover their keys in case of loss or compromise, ensuring added security.

Partial Liquidation

To minimize the impact of liquidation on clients, GRVT only liquidates the amount required to bring the margin to the maintenance level, rather than liquidating the entire portfolio.

Intuitive User Experience

We prioritize a familiar and intuitive user experience, avoiding complex blockchain jargon to make the platform accessible to a wide range of users.

6. Why is GRVT built on zkSync?

GRVT is built on zkSync for low latency, high throughput and zero gas trading, resulting in cheaper and faster transactions for users. We also leverage zkSync’s private Validium to offer trading privacy. Your trade details will not be disclosed to the public.

7. How does GRVT ensure self-custody of funds?

GRVT employs the Validium scaling solution that publishes zero-knowledge proofs on Ethereum of transactions that users have to sign with their wallets on Gravity’s validium chain. This provides cryptographic guarantees that the operator of the chain cannot utilize user funds locked in the validium chain.

8. What are the early bird benefits on GRVT?

GRVT will launch 3 phases of reward programs. Throughout these programs users can gather GRVT points by performing different activities, and be eligible for GRVT token airdrops. Learn more

Phase 0: Refer early ambassadors and earn GRVT points Phase 1: Invite traders to the waitlist and earn GRVT points Phase 2: Trade and earn GRVT points

9. Is GRVT exchange self-custodial?

Yes, GRVT offers an institutional-grade self-custody derivatives trading platform, eliminating counterparty risk. Smart contracts handle on-chain margin management, providing complete asset control for enhanced security.

10. Does GRVT provide privacy for transactions?

Yes, GRVT utilizes validium technology to keep trade details private from the public eye, ensuring user privacy in a secure transaction environment.

11. Does GRVT hold any licenses?

GRVT adheres to strict KYC and AML regulations, creating a safe and secure trading environment. GRVT holds a VASP registered in Lithuania and is actively pursuing a DLT license in Bermuda.

12. Is KYC required to start trading on GRVT?

Yes, GRVT is an AML-compliant platform. A full KYC user verification is required to start trading.

13. What is the background of the GRVT team?

The GRVT team has rich experience in privacy data development and traditional financial compliance, operation, and practice. Hong Yea, CEO and Co-Founder of GRVT, is an experienced trader and has worked as an Executive Director at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong. Aaron is the CTO and Co-Founder of GRVT and has served as the tech lead of data privacy and data processing frameworks at Meta. Matthew serves as the Chief Commercial Officer and Co-Founder and has led the study of blockchain applications in traditional finance and payments at DBS Bank.

14. Is testnet participation open to everyone?

No, it will be for our early waitlist participants and invited traders only

Last updated