GRVT Reward Program
Instructions to participate in the GRVT Rewards Program
GRVT rewards all users in our ecosystem, whether you're a trader, non-trader, influencer, or not. Everyone in the GRVT Reward Program will earn tokens at launch.
So far, 11% of GRVT’s total token supply will be allocated to this program for the first 18 months after our mainnet launch. This is a fraction of the overall total allocation for community which will be announced in due time!
The program has three categories:
Ecosystem Reward (live)
3% of GRVT’s total token supply
Invite to earn
Points based on direct and indirect invite count and the trading activity of your direct and indirect invites
Trader Reward (upcoming)
4% of GRVT’s total token supply
Trade to earn
Points based on the trading fees you pay
Liquidity Provider Reward (upcoming)
4% of GRVT’s total token supply
Quote to earn
Points based on providing liquidity and quoting buy/sell orders
Join any or all sub-programs to earn GRVT points, which convert to token rewards. Early joiners accumulate more points, but latecomers have fair opportunities through our phased design.
What's in Store for You?
Current Total Rewards: 11% of GRVT total token supply, distributed over the first 18 months after GRVT's Mainnet launch.
Note: The above is not the entire amount allocated to the community. Our GRVT token distribution plan is still being finalized. We will keep you updated as we go.
How the token award distribution works
Three months after GRVT’s Mainnet launch, you can view your token awards. Points are calculated and updated monthly on your Reward Portal Dashboard. You can claim your tokens once we launch.
Last updated