Margin Overview

Understand the different margin methodologies used on offer by GRVT

The GRVT Docs are a living document that will be dynamically and continuously edited and updated as the GRVT product suite evolves.

GRVT employs 2 margin methodologies designed to offer traders strong capital efficiency across all types of trading strategies without degrading our exchange’s risk profile.

  • Simple Margin — Considers the risk of each position independently to compute margins.

  • Portfolio Margin — Performs max loss simulations, then applies a series of margin adjustments to account for tail risks.

Gravity always applies the optimal margin algorithm to help traders free up more capital.

Collateral Asset

GRVT offers stablecoin-settled derivatives. We will launch with a USDT market first, and shortly thereafter launch a USDC market when liquidity in our USDT market matures.

GRVT does not offer physical delivery.

Last updated